About Us - Roots of Stone Association
PERUGIA Perugia Etruscan walls.

Roots of Stone is an association created to promote and guide the themes of conservation, restoration. enhancement of the gates and walls of the redevelopment of areas pertaining to the walled cities. The intent is to bring back to good use, and high symbolism of renewed urban presence a monument that represents the primary identity more intimate than any center in historic value.

Giving visibility, centrality and role of the monument. This, in essence, the objective. The Walls together, then: in search of the deepest values ​​of the identifiers of all the walled city and the history of civilization and the people were able to express. Form and content together in an incomparable element synthesis.

Through the bond, physical or virtual, wire cha story broke, isolated or subtracted from this track, you believe you can return to operation and compliance with the richest and most genuine form of urban identity of each center. This ends up transformed itself into a sort of real path of the Walls, called to heal rifts, to reappropriate spaces, views, architecture and urban fabric of buildings and often abandoned or unable to talk, as in the past one another.

Michele Bilancia

Chairman Scientific Committee:
Giovanni Carbonara

Vice President:
Anna Maria Patani

Marco Terzetti

Maria Carmela Frate,
Corrado Costantini,
Anna Santilli
Michele Bilancia
Giovanni Carbonara
Roots of Stone Constitution and Bylaws (pdf 2 Mb)
Enlarged Council:

Mirko Bonucci
Chiara Dei Poi
Adriana Lo Giudice
Rosanna Mastrandrea
Maria Pertosa

Scientific Committee:

Sandro Allegrini
Marilena Badolato
Luciano Bazzarri
Katia Benati
Chiara Berechillo
Ray Bondin
Franco Bozzi

Clara Caucci
Mimmo Coletti
Clara Cutini
Federico Fioravanti
Maria Carmela Frate
Osama Khalil
Franco Mezzanotte

Gianfranco Maddoli
Monica Marchesini
Claudia Mornati
Franco Ivan Nucciarelli
Barbara Venanti
Franco Venanti
  Copyright © 2012 | RADICI DI PIETRA Via dei Priori 62 - 06122 PERUGIA cf 94120520542  Associazione Culturale Registrata a Perugia il 23/06/2008 n. 10727/1T
Presidente e legale rappresentante Dott. Arch. Michele Bilancia Tel e fax 0755728337 Tel 07538795 Cell 3475076134 - Privacy e Cookie Policy 
Webmaster Daniele Berioli